This film takes place in Jigalong, Australia where three young sisters are removed from the family and placed in a re-education camp in 1931. Due to their aboroginal backgrounds, they are forced into the camps where they will learn to become servents for the white people in Australia. The government believed that the "half breeds" should be removed from society and this is the governement's solution to the problem. The movie is a reflection of the government's laws and policies that were put in place against the aborigines.
During this time in Australia, children were being removed from their homes due to their skin color and were being re-educated under the order of the government, who strongly wanted to all "half breeds" isolated from society and become servents. This lasted from the late 19th century to the late 1960's. This cruel act by the Australian government cause a segregation from the aborginial peoples and the whites within the country. While these events have been critically debated throughout the world, on February 13, 2008, the Prime Minister of Autralia, Kevin Rudd, apologized in parliament for all acts and laws the were placed against the aborigines. In his apology he included a sincere regret for the past actions of the government that "inflicted profound grief, suffering and loss". While the aboriginal people were pleased to hear the governement's apology they had expected a compensation to be included for the problems caused.
Full Text of Australi's Apology:
Full Text of Australi's Apology:
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