This film demonstrates the culture of the Japanese. They work many hours in the country, and most transportation in the city is the train or the monorail. The Japanese culture is not all that different from the lifestyle of the Americans. They have the same goals: to start a family and have a house and successful job. Once these goals are obtained, their lives remain unfulfilled until they find a hobby to give them a new passion.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Shall We Dance? Reflection
Shall we Dance? research
This film is about a Japanese man who cannot find happiness in his life and is inspired to begin dance lessons when he sees a beautiful woman in the window of the dance studio. He works hard to be a proficient dancer and enters a dance competition, unfortunately this comes at the cost of his marriage which begins to deteriorate until the end of the film.
In this film, it will accurately depict the everyday society of the Japanese and their culture and customs.
Please Vote for me Reflection
This film was released a couple of years ago in China. In this third grade classroom the teacher used an interactive activity to demonstrate democracy to her class. Three promising classroom monitors were elected as candidates and they worked on their campaign strategies and participated in debates in order to become elected as class monitor. Each candidate experienced difficulties, however, they worked hard to prove their leadership to their peers. In the end of the documentary, Luo Lei was elected for the class monitor.
This film was interesting, because it reflected how a communist country responded to democracy. Watching the film made me think on the politics of democracy and the pros and cons of this type of government. There is a big difference between the Chinese lifestyle and American lifestyle. All Chinese are treated equally and their strengths are determined by the government. Their parents are far more competitive in this film than one would have anticipated. The parents worked just as hard as their children to have their kids be successful in the election. Due to the communist government in the country and the overwhelming amount of people in the Chinese population, each child must be better and smarter to make an impression to be more successful. In American, each person is in charge of their intelligence and future.
Their representation of democracy successfully demonstrated how a democratic society can be unfair. The candidates had help from their parents and bribed the other kids to vote for them by giving gifts and free trips on the monorail. Unfortunately due to this bribery factor, it gave some of the candidates a advantage that not all candidates could offer.
Watching this film, makes one think about a communist society and its positive and negative effects. There is a harsh stereotype of communism government, that it is a suppressing regime, however, it is a myth. A communist government makes sense for China with its high population. While communism gives less freedom to its community it is not as harsh a government as believed.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Please Vote for Me, is a documentary that takes place in China, which is a strictly communist country. In this third grade class, the teacher uses an activity to demonstrate democracy by having the children vote for a class monitor. The third grade candidates endure the same process as a democratic election would and at the end of the film, a class monitor is chosen.
When Chairman Mao was elected to presidency in China, he worked to bring China communism. China went through the Great Leap forward where the country was moderneized in order for their economy to imporve. However, during this process millions of chinese were killed. In order to improve the country, Mao felt the need to enfore a Cultureal Revolution where all "old" materials were destroyed and burnd in the country as a renewing for the country. Any opponent Mao discovered was executed and thousands of people were executed during this process.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Betrayal Reflection
The Betrayal follows a family whose life has been thrown into chaos during the war with vietnam and the Americans. The family is forced to emigrate after their father who is highly involved in the military becomes a prisoner of the new regime. The family is sponsored to come to the United States and live in New York. However, their lives become increasingly difficult when the childern become involved with gangs and the father returns only to tell his family that he has a new family in Florida 15 years later. This powerful film demonstrates the difficultes refugees face when they are forced to leave their native countries.
The Laotian people are very clam people and believe in the strength of wisdom to aid them in difficult times. There is a single powerful connection that I can make with this film and that is the determination of the young male. He risks his life to escape the new regime who view his as a threat to the nation and security. He works hard to keep his family together and does not become involved with gangs and eventually marries and returns to his native lands. His determination and motivation is inspiring and I learned a lot from his experience. He listened to his grandmother in always rememebering the past regardless of the certain circumstances. While he faces many obstacles in coming to another country and not being ablt to speak Enlgish, he learns. Their life in Laos is far more simplisitic and they have different values in their culture. Raising a family and repsecting your family is important and is a characterisitic that my family also values.
This film causes the viewer to look at their own decisions and their relationships with their family. Family is very important, because without family and help you have nothing. Seeing how the American tore this family apart unintentionally is distrubing on many levels as the Americans are more focused on themselves than the other people in the countries where war had erupted.
Betrayal Research
The Betrayal was relased in 2008 and documented the lives of a Laotian family who are refugees in America after leaving Laos during the war.
This critical documentary shows how war had destroyed a family and their culture. It shows how the Americans did not take into consideration the repricutions of their actions after recruiting Laotian people to fight against their country's government.
Laos is a country located in Southeast Asia and declared its independence from France in 1945. However, by 1950 France had repositioned its control and stated that Laos was an "associated state" within the French Union. Laos has a long history of involved foreign countries and slowly they were drawn into the difficulties and war with North Vietnam and South Vietnam. Their intereference with the War cased the U.S. to become invovled with the country in order to prevent a communist governement from taking control. While the U.S. fought to maintain peace and democracy in Southeast Asia, their efforts were useless when a civil war developed in Laos and a communist government was established.
Gran Torino Reflection
Through the connection that is developed between walt and his neighbors, we are given insight into the Hmong culture. The Hmong culture is not always recognized, because they only live in certain areas throughout the united States. The Hmong peoples originated from China. As Walt becomes apart of their culture, they belive in respect of the elders and quality family relationships. In contrast to Walt's relationship with his family, his neighbors are his closest thing to family. My family believes it is important to respect one's elders and spend time with the family. Many Americans like Walt resent new cultures that they do not understand or have previous knowldge about. This film made me recognize the importance of learning about new cultures and taking the time to help others.
Gran Torino Research
This movie reveals direct insight the Hmong culture in the United States. We see their culture and customs up close.
Taare Zameen Par Reflection
Watching the children in the film and the vairous parents, we see the close relationship between success in school and success in a family. Parents place an abundant amount of pressure upon their children for them to excel not only academically but athletically as well. These children must be the best in their class and receive high test scores, otherwise their parents are displeased. Their is a great contrast between the Indian school system and the United States school system. Unlike India, they go to school for a longer of period of time than American children do. The success of a child in school within India is vital, because if they fail to make it past a certain point in the educational system they will live a very simple and poor life, most likely on the streets. Children are competing against one another for an important place in the business world when they have completeed all of their required schooling.
While I do not have a learning disability like Ishaan, I can share his severe feeling of fustration when something in school does not make sense. When I was in elementary school I struggled with math and it was upsetting and frustrating to try so hard and still remain confused in the class. It feels overwhelming because you are unable to complete the homework and it feels as if you are all alone in the situation. It was empowering to see how Ishaan worked extra hard in order to overcome his obstacle.
The translation of the title of the film is: a star among us. This title accurately reflects the unrecognized talents of Ishaan. He is a powerful artist who uses his disability in a way that helps him. He views the world in a different light than most people and has a different perception of everyday sights than the average person. He takes his observations and transforms them into his paitnings and creatings that reveals insights into his mind and his feelings that he is unable to express to his parents and teachers. All kids can relate to Ishaan's problem's of parents that expect you to be perfect and the pressure. However, it is important to devise a method that will help you cope with the stress like Ishaan's gift of painting.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Taare Zameen Par Research
This film is about a young boy who struggles in school and is later discovered to be dyslexic. In India excelling in education and other activities is very important to be successful and a lot of pressure is placed upon young children to be perfect in every aspect. When an art teacher takes the time out to teach Ishaan how to read and write the young boy becomes successful in his new boarding school.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Chak De India Reflection
In the film Chak de India, it is about a group of girls from various states in India who are the best players in their states. In this film we see the group of girls become a team that plays for their entire country. Their team is coached by the former captain of the men's field hockey team, but missed the penalty shot and was accused of secretly working with the Pakistan's team. It was a motivational film that inspires everyone to pursue their dreams.
Through this film there were a lot of new cultural aspects represented in this film. Women do not play a significant role in their Indian society. They only have one main purpose which is to become married and raise a family. We see this team move past their cultural obstacles and dominate in a sport where they had previouslt not excelled at.
In India they have different traditions than other countries. Before they competed in the Field Hockey World Championships, they participated in a ritual that was used for good luck in their match. While some teams may pray before an important match, they have different rituals that give them power and strength. Before the penalty shot the coach prays for strength to help his team win in the world championships. In their culture, rituals and higher powers are more important.
Their traditional clothing is different from the average American dress. Their Saris that they wear are worn upon important events and demonstrate their culture. They have a lot of pride for their country and culture. In the film we see how their culture differs from state to state. Living closer to the Chinese border resulted in several girls having a Chinese influence in their appearance compared to other girls. In addition, some of the girls spoke different languages and were forced to learn English in order to compete in the World Championships.
The girls represented in the teams faced imilar issues that any team can experience when people are from different areas in a country. However, we see the team unite in order to win against the six time World Champs, Australia.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Chak De India

Chak De India is a film produced in 2007 and is about a girls field hockey team. The team comprises of girls from all of the states within India. Within in each, there are significant differences in their cultures and the way they communicate with one another. This diversity amongst the team causes rivalries and arguments. While all of the girls have a common goal, to go to the World Championships, their separation and obstacles will cause them to overcome their differences and unite to compete against the most experienced and successful teams throughout the world.
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