Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Betrayal Reflection

The Betrayal follows a family whose life has been thrown into chaos during the war with vietnam and the Americans. The family is forced to emigrate after their father who is highly involved in the military becomes a prisoner of the new regime. The family is sponsored to come to the United States and live in New York. However, their lives become increasingly difficult when the childern become involved with gangs and the father returns only to tell his family that he has a new family in Florida 15 years later. This powerful film demonstrates the difficultes refugees face when they are forced to leave their native countries.
The Laotian people are very clam people and believe in the strength of wisdom to aid them in difficult times. There is a single powerful connection that I can make with this film and that is the determination of the young male. He risks his life to escape the new regime who view his as a threat to the nation and security. He works hard to keep his family together and does not become involved with gangs and eventually marries and returns to his native lands. His determination and motivation is inspiring and I learned a lot from his experience. He listened to his grandmother in always rememebering the past regardless of the certain circumstances. While he faces many obstacles in coming to another country and not being ablt to speak Enlgish, he learns. Their life in Laos is far more simplisitic and they have different values in their culture. Raising a family and repsecting your family is important and is a characterisitic that my family also values.
This film causes the viewer to look at their own decisions and their relationships with their family. Family is very important, because without family and help you have nothing. Seeing how the American tore this family apart unintentionally is distrubing on many levels as the Americans are more focused on themselves than the other people in the countries where war had erupted.

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