Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Nuovo cinema Paradiso

This film was produced in 1990 and takes place in Italy. The film features a young boy who is in love with films and appreciates every aspect of the film industry. The person in charge of running the cinema takes him on as a student and teaches him everything about films. It is an excellent film that shows the culture of a remote Italian village.
The film was exceptional and I enjoyed the light heartedness of the film. The small boy is easy to make a cultural connection with because of his passion for films. I have an extreme passion for running and I could connect with the protagonist about a strong passion for something and the appreciation of it.
In Italy the Roman Catholic Church is the ruler of the land and makes the laws in the city. The laws are created around religion and respecting the Catholic traditions are very important. In the beginning of the film we see how viewing kissing in films is not tolerated and it is cut out. It was interesting to see how a religion can control so much of a society.
In the US we claim that there is a seperration between church and state, however, religion plays a critical role in our government system as well. When morals are discussed while developing laws, the politicans always refer to the Bible when they question their decisions. It is was interesting to see how the Italian community was far mroe reserved than our society. In modern times, televsion shows have become a lot more inappropriate than they used to be. It was interesting to see how films have revolved over the years and the role of religion in a society.

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